If the file is, for example, an MPEG-2 encoded video file there is a very high chance that the audio track will play just fine but the video track will fail to render, leaving the screen black. First, you can try to load the file in your Raspberry Pi media center. In this case you need an MPEG-2 license to decode the video on the DVDs. Fortunately the Raspberry Pi Foundation was able to make arrangements to sell individual licenses for each codec very inexpensively. Part of their cost cutting measures included not purchasing a pricey blanket license to use the MPEG-2 and VC-1 video codecs. As part of that educational mission, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has gone out of their way to minimize the manufacturing and licensing costs in order to keep the final cost of the device down. Why Do I Need To Do This? The Raspberry Pi was designed to be an educational computer. More information available at Rpi site under. Simply add the licence as a new line text as shown above, then save and kdy. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Stumbleupon Whatsapp. They're giving us the choice, which I think is awesome. Raspberry Pi did not include this to keep costs down. Since, it is possible to buy a licence to hardware-decode MPEG-2 videos. ※ Download: ?dl&keyword=Raspberry+pi+codec+license+generator&source=

Raspberry pi mpeg2 license key crack how to#
How to add an MPEG-2 license key to XBMC Media Center?